

Eligible taxpayers can freely access online tax preparation & e-filing software via www.irs.gov/freefile. The online tax preparation software is used for accessing online. Get professional-quality tax preparation services at IRS portal for free. No need to pay for the services.

How to fill out IRS Free File?

  1. For filling out tax forms through IRS Free File feature - gather the necessary documents like W-2 forms, 1099 forms, Last year’s tax return, Social Security numbers & Bank account information.
  2. Now, visit official IRS Free File portal - www.irs.gov/freefile.
  3. Thereafter, select Free File Fillable Forms option.
  4. Enter basic information - Your name, Date of birth, Address, Social Security number (SSN).
  5. Type Tax information including Personal, Income, Deductions and Credits.
  6. Further, review & submit your return.
  7. IRS notifies within 24-48 hours of successful submission.